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Profit Ability: the business case for advertising
Advertising effectiveness: TV still top driver On April 25th ThinkTV and RadioConnects hosted Nick Manning who presented findings from ThinkBox’s 2017 advertising effectiveness..
Canadians and the environment: Earth Day 2018
How do Canadians feel about environmental issues? In support of Earth Day 2018, we combed through our Spring 2018 RTS survey results of over 42,000 Canadians.
A closer look at the Pyeongchang Olympics TV viewing figures
The 2018 Winter Olympics in PyeongChang was Canada’s best performance at any winter Olympics, receiving 29 medals. While the time difference between Canada and South Korea made it..
Canada 150
Happy 150th Birthday Canada! How would you describe Canadians? According to JustLanded.Com we are polite, classless, generous, environmentalists, outdoorsy, a hockey fan, boring,..
The launch of Lens for radio
Lens for radio is here. In our fall 'Lens for radio' blog post we talked to you about all the change we were seeing in the industry from competition, technology and corporate..
The future of radio software: Lens for radio
The industry has changed. So should your software. Since NLogic began in 2006, the industry around us has seen dramatic and constant change. Changed competition, changed ownership..
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