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A broadcast sales automation partnership

NLOGIC PARTNERS WITH REVENUE ANALYTICS TO AUTOMATE BROADCAST SELLING We recently partnered with Revenue Analytics, a world-class revenue management software provider, to help..

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Why radio should care about CRTCs future policies

In my previous posts, I talk about the future of radio and various opportunities I see for its growth. Some of these are somewhat dependent on the CRTC’s upcoming review of the..

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What do these emerging technologies mean for radio?

Technology continues to innovate at breakneck speed. For the radio industry, broadcasters are looking to expand their platform footprint ensuring they are available on every..

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Future of radio: how radio can thrive in the new audio world

Commercial radio has been around for about a century. Throughout its existence, the medium has always adapted to shifting environments and still continues to be a trusted source..

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Three strategies to build impactful radio programs

As a company that has provided radio broadcast tools and services for decades, we’ve seen how radio has ridden the airwave evolution and continues to be a trusted source of news,..

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A comparison of Newtonsoft.Json and System.Text.Json

Microsoft released their new namespace System.Text.Json with .Net Core 3.0 in 2019 and many of you are considering migrating over from Newstonsoft.Json. Are there any advantages..

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NLogic builds real-time reporting into radio buying platform

NLogic, the leading provider of audience analysis software, technology and data integration services to the broadcast and advertising industry in Canada, is pleased to announce..

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Canada’s top advertising winners for 2020

According to Orlando Wood’s best seller Lemon, brands that tap into emotional connections can win during a crisis. Given we are all living through our first global pandemic, how..

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